New ride!

Adam and I have been doing a lot of research on how to best replace my '93 toyota camry. After much thought and prayer, we decided to go with the Subaru Forster because of great safety ratings, one of the best fuel economies for an AWD crossover, AND Adam can actually fit in it. :)

God really blessed us with an amazing deal in Carson city, and so now we are owners of a 2010 model! We have really been enjoying our new blessing from God. It will be perfect for when our new little family member arrives too! :)

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  1. Isn't it funny having to buy a vehicle that your husband fits in? I don't even know how many models Jason sat in (and veto'd) because of hitting his head on the ceiling.

    Somethings I never considered before marrying a Guddat!

  2. hey beautiful! I am so happy you still write here so I can keep up with you somewhat! It is so great to here from you! I love you and hope all is well!


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