How time flies...

I cannot believe it has been six months since my last post! So much has happened, and God's overwhelming and beautiful grace has been displayed in way too many forms to count. So, I think it is time for an update...

God's grace displayed:

The fall semester of 2010, affectionately known as my "hell semester," was actually manageable because of how God really blessed me. Academically and clinically, there was so much going on. But the Lord blessed me with such supportive family, friends, and church body, that He helped me make it through with a smile on my face.

On November 20, 2010, my best friend, Adam, called my parents and asked their permission to court me!! And of course they said yes... how could they refuse such an amazing man? :] Adam has been one of the biggest blessings in my life. If I were to list all of the ways God has blessed me through him, you would be reading this blog for days on end.

The day after my final exams were done, on December 18, 2010, Adam, Alicia, and I were in a serious car accident. A man was going 10+ mph over the speed limit on an icy road. He slid, over-corrected, and smashed right into the front of Adam's Jeep Wrangler. Adam's Jeep was totaled, but by God's grace all three of us walked away from that accident with minor injuries. The man the crashed into us was not wearing his seatbelt, but again by God's grace, he ended up being ok. He was unconscious for a while and had major gashes all over his face and arm, but he is ok.

Starting my spring semester (final semester of college!) of 2011, I was very nervous. My instructors kept reminding all of my classmates and myself that there was still a chance that we could fail and not graduate. There were many difficult requirements that needed to be met, and we were all worried about getting through them all. Finding and scheduling your own patients is pretty difficult, but God really taught me a LOT about trusting Him when I had no idea of the outcome. I had to find a certain amount of really difficult patients ("difficult" means that it takes me four 3.5 hr appointments just to clean their teeth.... yep, super dirty teeth). And yet, God provided, every single time! I was in absolute amazement!! God even blessed me with a board patient for my big regional exam (WREB) that I had to take in May. This whole semester, I just stood back in amazement at God's work being demonstrated in my life.

In March, my classmates and I had to take a national written board exam. We were given 8 hrs to take this exam. Yeah, it was big. I was very stressed out because my brain is not the best in the memory department. I was hoping that I would remember enough information to pass the test! Well, I completed the exam in 6.5 hrs  and later found out that I passed! God is good and He is faithful!

Earlier this month, I took my regional exam in Eugene, OR, which included a anesthesia portion (written test and clinical test) and a hygiene portion (clinical exam, cleaning a person's teeth). I saw God's grace every few hours the whole time I was up in Eugene. It was amazing how God totally showed me how He was in control. I was so nervous, and yet He still blessed me (despite my doubt!). For the clinical portion of the anesthesia exam, my hand was shaking so badly when I was giving someone an injection... I'm amazed I didn't poke my patient with the needle anywhere else! But God steadied my hand enough to direct that needle where it needed to go.

Now, I am a college graduate (totally by God's grace!). I have graduated with an ASDH and am now applying for my dental hygiene license in Nevada! God has blessed me in ways I didn't think possible. What a great God I live for and serve!!! I love Him with all of my heart and soul and being!


  1. Alisha God is great!!! I am so glad that you made it through!!! And that you and Adam found each other!!! You seem so happy and I am so glad to have such an amazing friend!!! You are so much of a blessing to everyone you come in contact with!!! Love you,

  2. Glad you took the time to chronicle your journey the past few months- not only to share God's goodness to you on to us, but it can serve as a reminder to you (both now & for the future) of what God has done for & through you!! If (and when) days come that are dark or difficult, you can look back on this brief record & testament of what God already has done, & will CONTINUE to do in providing for you!!
    Lots of love, sis!

  3. Hi Alisha, I'm not sure if you remember me, but my name is Ginny Carr,maiden name Palmer, I knew you years ago at Grace Community before it moved to Minden, and sometimes went to evening service at your parents house. I came upon your blog yesterday and was so amazed to the wonders that God has done in your life. I would love to continue to follow your journey in trusting God. It is an encouragement to me. Congratulations on your engagement!!! Please tell your parents I say hello. Thank you for you honesty. In Christ, Ginny


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