Christmas Letter 2023 by Marcus

Merry Christmas friends and family,

I, Marcus, am writing the letter for Christmas this year. We are sooo blessed to have you as a part of our family. We've had a lot of trials, but God has seen us through them. We've also been having a lot of fun this year.
Adam (Dad) 40 years old
Our dad is amazing, amazingly awesome, amazingly funny, and extremely nice. He works 10 hours a day, which I can't do. He is super funny and hard working. His favorite book is the Bible, God's Word. His favorite food would have to be sushi. This time he is not on a diet, which is really nice. His favorite thing about work is to come home and spend time with our family. He spends 45 minutes working out and carries like 200 lbs (the weight of himself). Our dad is a hard working dad.

Alisha (Mom) 35 years old
Our mom is an amazing woman. You have no idea of how hard she works. She works so hard for our family. One of her biggest accomplishments is finishing writing music. One of my favorite songs she wrote is the tune for "Morning Breaks Upon the Tomb." Her cooking is my favorite. My mom's favorite food is sushi as well. Mom and I love her homemade fried sourdough. The girls don't like it which is weird. I was like, "Whaaat?" She is a hard working mom.
Genea - 11 years old/6th grade
Geneva is one silly, goofy, kind-hearted, gentle, and crazy-silly sister. Some of her favorite hobbies are hiking, spelunking, baking, and playing with her friends. Geneva loves baking so much that she wants to open her own bakery someday. Her favorite book is the Bible, God's Word. She loves playing the drum, and she's pretty good at it. She loves to help other people and her neighbors. One time, she ate two soda floats before Wednesday night church. I don't know if she was Miss Wiggly pants or what, but she survived it. She loves to play with the dog. Geneva's favorite subjects in school are science, history, and reading. Geneva is a sweet young lady.
Marcus (me) - 9 years old/5th grade
I am a funny, goofy person. You will often find me outside, playing, building a fort, or digging ditches. My favorite books are the Bible, Redwall, and the Green Ember. If I'm inside, you will often find me reading, doing school, or getting my shoes on so that I can go outside. I love school. My favorite subject is math, the subject no one else likes. For example, 96 x 81 = 7,776. I love to play with the dog and also love to help our neighbors. One of my favorite hobbies is to hike. I am super athletic at stuff, and I love golf. I love God, He is Whom you should serve. You should ask for Him to be your Savior. I am an adventurous boy.
Nyah - 8 years old/4th grade
Nyah is a sweet, goofy, silly, and crazy-silly little young lady. Her favorite thing to do is read. You can often find her on the couch reading. She loves to decorate the house. She also likes to ride her roller skates. She loves to bake. She loves sweets too. Nyah is sweet and loves to serve other people and put others before herself. She is super duper duper nice. She loves to make bracelets out of rubber bands, like really small rubber bands. She loves to play with her American girl dolls, and her favorite doll is Felicity. Nyah's favorite subjects in school are reading, science, history, and art. Nyah is a sweet little lady.
Maisy (our dog) (We've had her for a year)
Maisy is a sweet dog. She is so nice. Often in the morning when we're doing devotions, she goes "aroo roo roo!" She even closed mom's Bible with her nose once trying to tell us that she wanted to play. She is a cute dog and a good guardian. Maisy is a sweet dog.

Things we've done this year:
Mom this year was so excited to go to Nashville (TN) with her friends. She even got to meet Keith Getty, who wrote the song "In Christ Alone." Geneva got baptized this year and was voted as a member of our church. We were able to go on a train ride to Virginia City with Great Gram and Great GrandDad. Nyah got her ears pierced this year, and she was super excited about that. We also got to see the largest Sequoia tree on a family adventure. On that same day, we also went to a cavern and saw what it is like to be in a deep cave. This year has been fun.

"For great is His love toward us, and the faithfulness of the Lord endures forever. Praise the Lord!" - Psalm 117:2

Marcus for the Guddat family


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