18 weeks!

So I am 18 wks, 1 day today! It's so crazy how quickly time is passing by. I mean, we're almost at halfway point in the pregnancy! Only around 21-23 weeks till we meet our little G. :)

God has blessed me so richly with His Word recently in reminding me of His promises, truth, love, and faithfulness... He has been putting such a desire in my heart to be the best parent I can be by His grace alone. I am still nervous about being a mommy since I know I am nowhere near "ready," but that is where God's grace will abound. I am so thankful!

One of the best blessings in my life, my sweet husband, has been that extra measure of love and kindness to me when my "hormones" have gone a little off the deep end. Adam is such sweet man. He talks to Little G now that the baby can hear noises. It is always a sweet moment that I treasure greatly in my heart.

We had another appointment with our doctor yesterday! Everything is going well. We heard Little G's heartbeat (one of the sweetest sounds I have ever heard) again. Apparently I am right on target and very healthy -- always a blessing and answer to prayer! Thankfully, my morning sickness has dissipated in the last two weeks and I am rarely throwing up now... yay! :)

Here I am at 18 wks, 1 day.

As you may notice, I decided not to take "baby bump" pics every week, because I am carrying the baby much more "in" than what I was expecting! When I decided to finally take another update pic today, Adam kept telling me to turn "more sideways" because my bump wasn't showing well.
The fact: there just isn't much there yet! :)

Adam and I decided to use this beautiful Saturday as one of our fun date days! We drove up to Reno, walked all over the Summit mall, taking many breaks for bathroom and food (guess who kept needing the breaks? Yeah, it wasn't Adam). We ate at BJ's, which is quickly becoming one of our favorite restaurants! We had some fun at Meadowood mall too. Since Adam's birthday is next Sunday, we decided this would be his b-day celebration between just the two of us. :)

Adam and I getting ready for our date day in Reno!!

I made him try on some shirts that he would NEVER be caught dead wearing in public... it was great. ;)

Yep, I got myself a pretty hot guy!

This is my "I-wish-I-was-a-cool-kid" pose.


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