Peace Like a River

Peace: -noun; freedom of the mind from annoyance, distraction, anxiety, an obsession, etc.; tranquillity; serenity.

This is the world's peace. I thank the Lord that there is something even deeper in Christ. By God's grace, I have peace of mind because I have a God that is completely Sovereign! In fact, my God is the God of peace (Rom. 15:33)!

You know, my mind always sings the song "I Have Peace Like a River" whenever I think about my security in Christ. How true this song is, and yet in more ways than what is first brought to mind. "Peace like a river" I'm sure was to first intent that a river is ever flowing, gently down it's path. And so the peace God distributes to us is also like a river, gently flowing with cool and refreshing waters.

However, I think peace is more like a river than just this!

When I think of a river, I think of the Truckee River that flows through downtown Reno. It is a small one that sometimes is pretty low. The Truckee River's depth and volume really depends on the kind of winter we had up in the mountains. If it was a bad winter in the Sierra's, then we always expected a light flow of the river in the summer. However, if the snow was plenteous in the winter-time, then the river would be large, gushing water, and moving along with much strength and gusto.

So I have realized that my peace from the Lord is very similar.

Say that the mountains represent my heart. The snow depicts the Holy Spirit and Word of God. And the river exemplifies peace from God. Depending on how much snow falls on my mountains, my river will either be weak or strong. So also, God has been teaching me that the more that I am in His Word and pray for the Holy Spirit to guide and dwell within me, the more my heart will be nurtured. Thus, the more my heart is supplied with the Word of God and His Spirit, the more peace will flow from my heart. When it has been a good winter, the river from my heart will be both strong and secure, with great depth and volume.

Also, I like to think about where the river goes.

Rivers are suppliers of water. Likewise, my river of peace - supplied from the Lord, His Word, and His Spirit - should be a resource that I can share with others. The only way I can possibly share my peace, though, is if I have enough to pass around. I need a strong and mighty current so that the peace of God can overflow from my heart into the hearts of others!

So as Paul prayed in Romans 15:13, "May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit."


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