Taking in the Truth

Truth: God is in control.

All Christians know this. I know this. But do I really?

Fact is, I may have a lot of head knowledge about who God is, but I only wish I had the same amount of heart knowledge.

God is Sovereign - my head knows this. But then, how is it that I worry so much? I must not fully know in my heart that God reigns over my life and is in control. Otherwise, what would there possibly be to worry about? In fact, to me, it sounds just ridiculous that I worry when I have such an awesome God who has already written out every single detail of my life even before time began. One word: "Wow!"

With this in mind, I am now praying that my merciful Savior would help my still weak and feeble heart to take in the marvelous truth that He is Omniscient and Omnipotent. My heart is in desperate need of more transformation and reformation. But I praise God that He is not only in control of my life, but He has taken my hand as He guides me through my life step by step. So even in the midst of my frustration that I do not have such great trust in my Lord as I would like, this is why I am still full of joy, hope, love, and adoration - because He is patient to continue loving, teaching, and molding me into the likeness of His Son despite my countless failures!

Now that is something to smile about!

"You will keep him in perfect peace,
Whose mind is stayed on You,
Because he trusts in You.
Trust in the Lord forever,
For the Lord God is an everlasting Rock."
~ Isaiah 26:3-4

"Peace I leave with you,
My peace I give to you;
Not as the world gives do I give to you.
Let not your heart be troubled,
Neither let it be afraid."
~ John 14:27


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