Christmas 2015

"In this is love, not that we have loved God but that He loved us and sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins." 1 John 4:10

We are excited to once again spend time reveling in the fact that Christ came down to this earth so that our hearts are as white as snow! Praise God for His grace on us! This year has been so filled with His love and provision. Adam and I are so thankful, looking back on 2015 and seeing how God has blessed us and provided for us in more ways than we can count.

Adam is still working for the state of CA. He is very thankful for his job and for God's provision of safety. Adam continues to work on our home for me, which I am thankful! We finally have grass in our backyard, which means more yard work for Adam. :) He loves spending time with me and the kiddos.  Now that the kids are starting to get older he is talking about dirt bikes... I'm still not 100% sold on the idea.

I (Alisha) am loving being a stay-at-home mom. It's funny how I remember when I was a kid, my mom would emphasize "quiet time," and now I totally see why... for the sake of sanity! It is such a blessing and challenge caring for three kiddos, and I wouldn't trade it for anything. I am also still working as a dental hygienist one day a week. It's great to have one whole day where I get to converse with adults! ;)

Miss Geneva (3 yrs) is continuing to grow in personality, spunk, and love! She has perfected the stink-eye... oh boy. A few of Geneva's current favorite things are Grandmas and Grandpas, Uncles and Aunties, cousins, and friends (social much?), anything pink, outside, pretend play with cell phones, picking out her own clothes, dancing to music, and throwing balls (I think we might have a softball player on our hands!). Geneva is often found either playing with her brother, making her sister smile, or making castles out of blocks. She is a fun and sweet little girl and we love her dearly. Something to look forward to in the new year is preschool!

Mr Marcus (1.5 yrs), who used to be oh-so-serious, has lightened up a bit and is a super fun little guy! He absolutely loves music, whether playing a music toy over and over again (testing every inch of mommy's sanity), singing and playing on the piano or drums, or dancing to a song on the radio. He has one of the biggest and genuine smiles. A few of Marcus' favorite things include eating, chugging chocolate milk, saying "Ew! Gross!" and "Where's Daddy?", cheese sticks, playing with his toy cop cars, and playing catch with balls. His vocabulary is growing very quickly, which is really fun to see develop. He is very polite most of the time with saying "peez" and "tank que."

Our family grew again this year! Little Miss Nyah Joelle (pronounced "nI-ah" with a long "i") is now 4 months old already! How is time flying by so quickly?! Our sweet little girl is full of smiles, coos, and little girl squeals. She is totally enamored with her older buddy and sissy. We are very blessed to have a pretty easy baby for our third, and let me tell you, Adam and I are so thankful!! Nyah is growing very quickly, as she has been in 6 month clothing for a few weeks already. I have this feeling Marcus and Nyah are going to quickly tower their older sister. ;)

We had a few adventures this year including Marcus' first stitches above his eye, a road trip to visit Adam's sister's family (Alicia, Aaron, and Caleb) in Riverside, and a weekend getaway to Graeagle, CA.

I have to mention my brother, Austin. We are so proud of him as he has ventured off to AZ to complete graduate school for physical therapy! He is working his tail off and we are some of his biggest fans!

If you got to the end of this letter, congratulations! ;) May you be greatly blessed by the Lord in this new year.

Love to you all,
Alisha, Adam, and all the littles!
 Geneva's 3rd birthday
 Taking a family picture with a self timer and tired kids = priceless
 Geneva playing in Gramma's garden
 They really love each other
 Marcus in Gramma's garden
Miss Nyah about 4 weeks old 
Selfie time in Graeagle 
 The poser
Graeagle, CA 
 Graeagle, CA
 Graeagle, CA
 Nyah 6 weeks old
 Pretty little lady
 Vacation back in May in Riverside, CA with cousin Caleb to the left
 Riverside, CA
 Riverside, CA
 Geneva was in heaven
 Cousin time
 Spring time
 Nyah at 4 months old
 Geneva loves having a sister
My little ham


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