Christmas 2014

Merry Christmas from our family to yours!

Another year to count God's many blessings. Praise the Lord for His grace and love on us!

Marcus LaMont - the newest member of our family made his arrival on February 6th, and we love having him a part of our family! :) We named him in memory of our dear friend and brother, Monty (LaMont) McGill. He is currently 10 months old and such a big/ tall boy (yeah, he definitely didn't get that from me). Marcus is a momma's boy right now and loves to cuddle all of the time. He loves having an older sister to play with, although I'm pretty sure he thinks Geneva is crazy sometimes. ;) While Marcus definitely has a serious side to him, he has one of the sweetest smiles I have ever seen. We love this little boy and cannot wait to see him continue to grow and learn!

Geneva Nevaeh - oh this little girl... what personality! I hardly know how to describe her with words! Little Miss G is 100% girl, loving all things pink, playing with tea sets, wanting to help in the kitchen, singing and dancing all the time. But don't be fooled, this girl can keep up with all of her boy cousins and hold her own! She loves dirt and riding around on her little quad she got for her birthday. Geneva is already showing maternal instincts as I watch her lecture her stuffed animals and even spank them (wow, does she think that's all Adam and I do as parents?!). This little mini-me makes my day all the time, and we thank God for her.

Adam - this poor guy hardly ever gets a break! Adam continues to work hard for California state safety. He's not going to like me bragging on him, but I am so incredibly thankful for such a hard-working husband that never complains, even while working 12.5 hours at a time (if not more with overtime). My only complaint I ever have with Adam is just how much he eats; it's hard keeping up with him! ;) On top of work, I have been planning multiple house projects that he has been faithfully working at for me. What a loving guy. :)

Me (Alisha) - well, life stays busy with two kids and a hard-working hubs. I still work on Mondays as a dental hygienist while Adam has daddy day with the kids. I am very blessed with a great office to work for. More highlights of my weeks involve teaching piano lessons and playing piano for church. I am thankful that God has blessed me with my wonderful husband and sweet kids... what a blessed life I live.

Ultimately, we are most thankful for our Savior, Jesus Christ. It is a wonderful and incredible thought that Jesus, fully man and fully God, came down to earth, lived a sinless life, died for our sins, and then rose from the grave! All praise be to Him!

We love you all and wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
- Alisha



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