Marcus LaMont's Arrival!

On February 6th at 8:42 in the morning, we had the blessed privilege of welcoming Marcus LaMont into this world! He weighed in at 7 lbs 14 oz and measured 18.5 inches long. We are so thankful to our Lord for blessing us with such a sweet and cute little man! Praise our Lord with us!

Here are some pictures of Marcus and two happy/tired parents and some rejoicing family/friends at the hospital and then the following days at home. :)

After I finally had my epidural... relief!
 Adam is happy about the epidural too... I was no longer squeezing the heck out of his hands.
 Meeting our little man for the first time!

 Adam is so thrilled to have a little boy!!
 Marcus kept his eyes open for us for a good two hours after birth before resting.

 Gramma came to visit!

 Uncle Austin also drove up to visit!

 Ready to go home!
 Geneva meeting her brother for the first time!!

 Fran pulled out Adam's baby picture... turns out that Marcus is the spitting image of his daddy!

 Marcus with his buddy, Calvin. :)


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