What a weekend!

It has been such a wonderful weekend! Great Thanksgiving with the Adam's family (though, I did miss my extended family! My parents are coming over this weekend for a post-thanksgiving feast.), great triple date with Eric & Joleen and Alicia & Aaron up at Tahoe and then sushi, and a wonderful Lord's day!

Thanksgiving was so wonderful... Eric and Joleen hosted it at their home, and they did a terrific job! The turkey was a serious work of art, all of the food they made was incredible, and they were very happy and welcoming hosts. :] We were able to sit down at the table and share what each of us are thankful for. Of course there were many happy tears as we remembered God's countless grace in each of our lives. We ate, and ate, and ate some more! With such great food, how can one possibly stop for a mere stomach ache? Well, we eventually stopped. :] As we cleaned up dishes, Eric set up skype with Grandma G (GG)! It was great fun being able to see her and having the boys wave and smile at her. After having fun with GG, we ate some of the most amazing pumpkin pie I've ever tasted. My mother-in-law has quite the touch for making delicious food! Eric, Joleen, Alicia, Aaron, Adam and I then had a very competitive game of Uno. It was a long game, but a very sweet victory for me. :] We closed the night with the movie Elf! Love it!

To see more pictures, check out my sister-in-law's blog at http://beautyandthebeef.blogspot.com/2011/11/first-thanksgiving.html.

By the way, I made a fruit turkey to nibble on, and I named him Yekrut (turkey spelled backwards). Adam hated the name, and so I teased him that I would name our first son Yekrut. They could call him Yekky for short. ;] Haha!

The day after Thanksgiving, instead of shopping, we had a triple date! The couple with kids (Eric-Joleen), the newly weds (Adam-me), and the courting couple (Aaron-Alicia) all had a great time up at Tahoe. We sat down at Starbucks in Heavenly for a while and enjoyed just talking with one another. It was onward to Sand Harbor after that for pictures and enjoying beautiful scenery. The sun felt was amazingly warm even though the cold was trying to settle in. After we were done at Tahoe, we drove back to Minden to indulge in the most incredible sushi ever!! Our sushi chef was a guy that Eric and Adam used to have all the time "back in the day." He was making up all sorts of amazing food for us. We stuffed ourselves so full, we just waddled back to the truck. Two nights of being incredibly full and satisfied? Yeah, Adam and I gained a little weight! :] But, it was well worth it!

Adam and I brought home our first Christmas tree together last night! I am so excited to have a real tree in the house! It smells so refreshing. I keep breaking off a little pine needle smelling that amazing aroma every time I walk past the tree. :] It's funny, because Adam at first stated that he would not allow a real tree in the house. I was disappointed, of course, because my parents always had a real tree. It just wouldn't be the same. But trying to be a good wife, I learned to submit to Adam's decision knowing that it would still be a great Christmas, even without a real tree. Just as I had finally come to terms with having a fake tree, Adam came to me and said, "You know, I've been thinking about it. I think we should get a real tree after all! I'm excited for a real tree!" Are you kidding me?! Haha! I secretly think he just wanted to see me submit. ;] Anyway, we are extremely happy with our tree!! I'm excited to go buy lights for it today and start decorating it! My mom saved a bunch of white doves from Adam's and my wedding, and so they are now gracing our tree. I love the look. :]


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