Catching up!

It is so hard to believe that so much can happen in such a small amount of time! God's grace has been overflowing in how He has blessed me!

Just to update you on all that has happened, here is the long version... don't fall asleep now...

May 2011 - By God's grace, I graduated dental hygiene school! Then I flew to Oregon and took my WREB board exam, and passed!

May 28, 2011 - This new big rock became a permanent part of my ring finger on my left hand when Adam proposed to me!! Of course I said yes... there's no way on earth I could ever refuse him! And just so you all know, I definitely got the better end of the deal.

You can tell that I was definitely surprised, even though I knew that he would propose sometime after graduation! Having the snow falling while he proposed could not have been more perfect!! It was the best dream of my life, and it came true. I am completely and utterly in love with this man, and keep falling more in love every single day.

May 29, 2011 - The wedding planning begins! We soon set our date, which was only 3.5 months away... September 10th!! You may also recognize this date as "9.10.11"... we thought we were so clever for coming up with such an awesome date. Well, that was until we realized a gazillion other people also thought they were just as smart! When we went to the Men's Warehouse to order suits for the guys, they told us that there were already 300 orders for the same day! How crazy is that??

June 2011 - The annual Yosemite trip! And this time, Adam came with our family. This was probably one of the best vacations we have had yet. Thankfully, it wasn't too crowded and so we were really able to enjoy all of the beauty that God designed! Unfortunately, we did not get to hike as much as Austin and I would have liked... and the two of us were the main problem! Go figure. Austin's EE was acting up so he couldn't do much aerobic exercise, and I had two bummed up knees that were giving me a lot of pain. Even though we didn't "reach new heights," so to speak, we were able to walk around everywhere and more just enjoy the beauty from the valley floor. :]

Oh, and did I mention what was one of the best parts of the trip that my parents in particular loved?? Adam cooked every single dinner for us! This is when my dad finally could not resist fully loving the man that was taking away his only daughter... when dad learned that Adam cooks a way better tri-tip than him!! Dad still brings that meal up often as one of his fondest memories.

July 9, 2011 - One of my very best friends married another really good friend of mine!! Jolene and Andrew finally got married!! All of us have been really good friends since we were 15 years old, so this was a really big day. Jolene was the most beautiful bride you've ever seen! Their wedding was perfect in that it was totally them... Jolene had Disney music playing before the wedding and walked down the isle to a "Tangled" song. Andrew's dad performed the ceremony. Andrew welded his own ring (very impressive!). They had a gorgeous reception at the Atlantis and danced the day away. :] I was so honored and blessed to be a part of this very special day!

Did I mention that I was also excited because Adam and I were next??!

August 2011 - Adam finally was given permission to live in Nevada!!! After two and a half years of pursuing this, he was thrilled to say the least! So I began casually looking for a place to live in NV that wasn't too far from his work still. My mom and I found our current home through craigslist and just fell in love with it! I took Adam to see it after his 3-day bachelor party (Twin Lakes fishing trip), and he liked it too!! Just a week before we got married, we signed the papers and became the official renters for this place!

September 10, 2011 - I married my best friend!!! Our wedding day was so wonderful! Adam and I both remained very calm, cool, and collected... well, until we were actually at the altar. I will admit, our hands were definitely sweaty! We started off the ceremony with walking down to the song "When You Say You Love Me" by Josh Groban. After my parents gave me away, I sang a song that I wrote for Adam a week after we became engaged. I was so nervous, and definitely didn't sing on key the whole time because my voice trembled... but watching Adam's face while I sang just melted my heart and told me that I did the right thing by singing it to him (I had changed my mind a million times prior to the wedding on whether I should sing it in front of everyone or not!).

During the ceremony, we also sang the wedding version of "Now I Commit You to God" by Steve Bump. It just so happens that one of my best friends and college roomie is the daughter of Steve! So I asked him if he would lead us in singing his song since he was going to come down for the wedding anyway; he agreed! It was so wonderful and such a blessing to Adam and I!!

Adam and I closed to the wedding with an epic kiss (if I do say so myself!). But before that happened, Eric pulled out some Altoids for Adam and Alicia handed me a toothbrush so I could brush my teeth before we kissed. I'm so glad it made people laugh!

All in all, it was such a wonderful day! Harmony Hilderbrand was our photographer, and she did such an incredible job!! You can check out some of her pictures of us here:

Here are a few other shots from our day...

September 11, 2011 - Honeymoon!! Adam and I had the time of our lives in Monterey, Ca! It was so beautiful down there!

Look how small I am in the truck!!!! I'm sure people behind us were wondering if anyone was driving at all!

September 2011 - After the honeymoon, we went back to Adam's home in Walker, CA. We lived there for a month and spent the majority of the time packing and moving!! It was nice being out in such a peaceful area, but I didn't enjoy it much since my allergies were killing me. I barely got any sleep when were there! So thankful to move to a home that didn't have sagebrush and rabbit brush surrounding the home!

October 2011 - We moved!!! We are now happily settled in Gardnerville and absolutely loving our home and neighborhood!  

I am really looking forward to Thanksgiving tomorrow with the Guddat family! Seeing my little nephews (which are the cutest kids EVER) and spending time with in-laws and a in-law boyfriend is going to be such a treat! 

Another event I am looking forward to is Ashley and Seth's wedding!!!!!!!! I can't say enough how excited I am for them! December 31st is coming up fast!


  1. Aww!! So cute. :) and thanks for the shout out! Your wedding was one of my favorites!


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