The best of friends... a tribute to Austin Webster

My mom shared with me a “Mother’s Journal” that she had kept for quite a few years (December 1992 – October 2003). What a precious book it is! I have to share one entry that she wrote on October 6, 1999 that was particularly sweet… really demonstrating the love and friendship of my brother, Austin, and I.

“Alisha had the flu, throwing up all day. Austin was so sad that she was sick - - he gave her two of the six Poke’mon cards he had obtained at school today - - then he gave her one more - - then he just gave her all of them, wanting her to feel better!
“Watched home video of Austin’s 1st birthday – [I am] so taken with how clearly they [Austin and myself] love each other – our hearts all touched!!
“Before bed, Austin wrote Alisha a beautiful note, saying she was the best sister – he had plans for her to find it in the a.m. – she threw up again, so, he put it on her bed – [he] wanted her to see it before she went to sleep! She read it and said the most dear words!!!
“ ‘You are the best brother, too, Austin – my friends say their brothers are “pains” and sometimes you are, but sometimes I am a pain – but the good thing about us is that we always work it out!’ "

This is still the thing I treasure most about Austin’s and my friendship. We never go to bed angry with each other, always initiate with each other asking for forgiveness, and always love each other unconditionally. What a blessing that my mom wrote this down. And what an even better blessing that God has been so gracious to give us such a wonderful friendship. :)

“A friend is there for you every day.
They know you as you are…
And love you anyway.” – Mary Chandler Huff


  1. Wonderful! Thanks for sharing. I hope this will be true of my boys.
    PS-Saw your mom and Austin pulling into the parking lot at the grocery store today.


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