A letter to my Savior

People often say that "The heart of the matter is the matter of the heart." And how true that is! I have decided to write about the matter of my heart, because my heart is struggling and needs to be broken so that I can start off anew.

I am going to write down here a prayer that I wrote in my journal yesterday. This is very personal and makes me vulnerable, but I want it to be that way. Maybe you are struggling just like me right now in not spending much time with our beautiful Savior. If so, this is for you. If you are not struggling in spending time with the Lord, then praise Him for His mercy and grace!, and may this be an encouragement to you to not stumble upon the path that I have.

"My dear and precious Savior,

How can I even begin to express the sorrow in my heart. I am such a wretch -- I have no clue why You saw it fit to die for someone like me. But then again, maybe that is why You saved me.

Oh Lord, I have not been close to You recently, and I am failing to see why. I have plenty of time to be with You, and yet I keep missing our appointments. It grieves my heart so much to look back and see my blatant unfaithfulness to You! Oh my Savior, please forgive me once again!

Please break my legs and teach me not to wander.

Please re-train my eyes so that they only search for You.

Please melt this heart of stone and re-pattern it after Your own.

Grant me the desire to only want You... to love You, to know You, to serve You... alone.

Lord, my heart is broken over my sins. Please shatter it all together and make me a new heart that will serve the greatest purpose -- to serve and thrive for Your glory!

'Create in me a clean heart, Oh God, and renew a right spirit within me.'(Psalm 51:10)


"Restore to me the joy of Your salvation,
and uphold me with a willing spirit." ~Psalm 51:12


  1. Thank you for yet another great reminder on how important it is to spend time with our Lord. I too have had difficulties keeping up with spending time with God on a daily basis. Odd, I figured that with school no longer requiring such a demanding amount of time I could devote more to Him. However, I have found myself even devoting less time due to all of life's distractions. Thank you again for the reminder. It comforts me to know that I am not the only one who struggles in keeping faithful.


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