Lesson #1 - repeated for the 100th time

So today has been one of those days. One of those days when you feel like you've failed. One of those days when you feel so alone. One of those days when you KNOW God is trying to teach you something, and yet you don't want to let go of your own ideals.

... Yep, it's been one of those days. But I'm seeing now that it doesn't have to be.

"Though I walk in the midst of trouble, You will revive me;
You will stretch out Your hand
against the wrath of my enemies,
and Your right hand will save me."
~ Psalm 138:7

Praise God, because I don't need to focus on my own works--my own failures--but instead focus on how God is going to complete His will in my life. And He will do it His way, with His timing, in His power (and not my own)!

"Being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ!" ~Philippians 1:6

And why do I feel alone? It must be because I am not seeking His presence. Instead of wallowing in self-pity, I need to lift my eyes to the One who has peace, the One who gives comfort, the One who lavishes His love, the One who never forsakes.

"God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble." ~Psalm 46;1

I know why I am resistant: because of my pride. In my pride, I want things to work out in the way I think they should. I try and take matters into my own hands, instead of entrusting those matters to the Lord. Most especially when it comes to school, I try to work hard on my own strength, then attempt to take a test so that I can get an impressive grade... why? To feed my pride. I have to ask myself, why do I really want that 'A'? To give glory to God? Or to have pride that I "accomplished" something on my "own" strength? Yeah right. Who am I trying to kid?

Looking back at the first verse I quoted, Psalm 138:7, I am seeing more and more that one of my biggest enemies is pride. I am so glad that God is breaking me down, so that I can actually see this enemy face-to-face, and know that the battle is very real! But also, what a great promise Psalm 138:7 gives... that God will SAVE ME from this enemy! Amen!

It's so sad to me though that I know this is probably the 100th time God has taught me about my detrimental pride. However, I know that God knows exactly what I need to keep on learning and growing more into the glorious image of my Savior.

The flip side of this lesson is beautiful: I need to keep trusting Him!

Like today, I need to trust that my "failures" will turn into something bigger and better according to God's plan for my life! I need to trust in God's big picture, and quit doubting my Savior's strength and power.

Also, I need to trust the Lord's promise to me that He will never leave me nor forsake me. May He help me say, "Lord, I believe. Help my unbelief!"

Lastly, I need to trust that He knows best for me. His plans are so much infinitely better than mine! As He strengthens my trust in Him, I hope and pray that my grip continues to loosen and let go my own ideals so that I can fully grasp onto what is so much sweeter.

I am grateful for this first lesson... even if it's my 100th time learning it. May God teach it to me as many times as He sees fit, so that I can grow closer to Him!

"For this is God,
Our God forever and ever;
He will be our guide even to death."
~Psalm 48:14


  1. Very convicting message you posted. There are several aspects which showed how much that I have personally had "issues" without me even realizing that they were issues in my life. When you said, "Praise God, because I don't need to focus on my own works--my own failures--but instead focus on how God is going to complete His will in my life." It really spoke to me on how focusing on my own failures and works cannot bring me closer to God. Thank you for posting yet another intense message of self improvement.


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