Teachable Spirit

So during family devotions tonight, we read over Proverbs 9:8, which says, "Do not reprove a scoffer, or he will hate you; reprove a wise man, and he will love you."

This verse really made me think about all of the times that I have been corrected and reproved:

Did I thank the person for reproving me, or did I get defensive?

Did I shut out the reproof because of pride, or did I accept the reproof because of humility?

Do I have a spirit of folly, or do I have a spirit that is teachable?

Heh, I will be the first to admit that I have more pride than humility, and more folly than teachableness. How convicting! I truly desire to have a teachable spirit, but I know that the Lord first needs to break me of my pride and folly before I can be wise and love reproof.

As my Reformation Study Bible (notes by R. C. Sproul)says about verse 8, "Wisdom perceives the positive side of correction; wisdom is not defensive and easily offended, but humble and responsive."

Thus, it is my prayer in a desire to have God's wisdom, that I might learn to love reproof and take it gracefully in humility!


  1. good questions. convicting to me as well... i so easily assume the person correcting me just doesn't understand... but what if they do, what's the harm in me stopping to examine exactly what they're pointing out? it's more like what's the harm in NOT examining--definitely dangerous.

  2. Thanks for the reminder on keeping humble. I know that I have times when I feel like my accomplishments (few as they may be) should define me as a person. This, over time, develops into prideful characteristics which then keeps me in the assumption that I no longer need instruction or criticism. Really, it is all about how God defines us and how we fit into His plan. Thanks again for the reminder to keep a teachable spirt.


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