Yes, You!!

A firefighter working at his station, a homemaker and wife caring for her children, a graduate student completing his masters, a pastor attending to his flock, a sixth grade girl chatting with her friends, a nurse waiting on her patients, an elderly man in a nursing home, a store clerk talking to her customers, a businessman working at his desk…

Christians. They are all different kinds of people. But they all share the same faith. But what else do they all have in common?

Their mission.

They are all disciples of their Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Thus, they are all missionaries on their own mission fields.

So if you are also a follower of Christ, you too are a missionary. Yes, you!

You do not need a foreign country, an unfamiliar and strange language, or people in poor living conditions. You simply need a country that contains lost souls, a language you can use to share the Gospel, and people (whether rich or poor materially) who are poor in spirit. Your work, your home, your school, your church, your friends, your extended family – they are all part of your specialized field that God has purposefully placed you in!

God blesses each and every one of His children with opportunities each and every day to share His love, to spread His Word, to administer to souls what they need most – truth. Whether you and I are sharing the Gospel verbally with a non-Christian, or we are displaying Christ’s love through our actions to a neighbor in need – they are many different ways to do the work of the Lord that He has set before us! Many people think that witnessing has to be done by going out on the streets handing out tracts, or that you are not witnessing if you’re not verbally communicating the Gospel. This is farthest from truth!

So here is the question of the day: do you take up these chances and use them for the glory of the Lord? Or do you let most of these golden opportunities just slip through your fingers, thinking, “Well, I’ll tell them next time.”

Who are you serving on this mission field God placed you on? Are you honoring the Lord? Or are you serving your own self-comfort? Remember, you cannot be serving two masters.

I want to challenge all Christians, including myself, to go out the and seize every opportunity God blesses us with to be the hands, feet, and lips of our Savior! Let’s not let any more time waste away serving our own self-comfort.

“but you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be My witnesses both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and even to the remotest part of the earth." ~Acts 1:8

{Now, just to note, there are some people that the Lord does call to go and be missionaries to the ends of the earth! What an amazing and challenging calling! But my point is that it is not God’s purpose for everyone to go out, because He calls many to stay where they are to be His disciples.}


  1. This is an excellent reminder, Alisha, of the work that God has for each one of us, whether we're living at home or far away. Thank you!

  2. Thank you for the encouraging words. One can get lost during the busy times of life and forget the real purpose for being here. Thanks for the reminder! =D


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