
I feel like I'm being driven crazy with anticipation to hear back from the Dental Hygiene program. The thought of a rejection letter hurts right now. But who am I to question what God has already planned for me?! I am thoroughly disgusted with myself in seeing all of the distrust in my own Father and wanting to take the future into my own hands. How foolish!

Lord, please forgive my unbelief in You! I love You and I desire to have the same willing obedience as your Son, "Not my will, but Thine be done." Amen.

I wrote this poem a few years ago, but the truth in it really is ministering to me right now.


The clock is ticking slowly,
Or slowly so it seems.
I am waiting for God’s plan
And my mind is full of dreams.
Dreams full of happiness,
Dreams of what I want to be.
But I must realize, my dreams
May not be what He’s planned for me.
I want to have a family,
I want to be someone great.
But right now God is telling me,
“You’ll just have to wait.”
So I’m trying to be patient,
And wait for His perfect plan;
It’s hard for me sometimes to wait,
But wait I will and can.
How will I know though
When He will give His plan to me?
Will He write it out in black and white
And place it on my knee?
While I wait for His plan,
Shall I sit and be lazy?
No, not at all!
Why, that would be crazy!
Even though I know not
His specific plans for me,
The Bible reveals commands of His
And what He tells me to be.
God wants me to be patient
And always to be kind.
When I seek Him first,
Happiness in Him I’ll find.
He wants me to be diligent,
And give Him glory through my life.
He promises to lead me
Through happiness and strife.
If I seek Him first,
And strive to obey,
I know He will reveal to me
His plans and pave the way.
The plans God has for me
May or may not be like mine,
But I know those plans
For Him will make me shine.
So as I wait on God
To see His plans for me,
I will be working
As busy as a bee
To glorify His name-
Praises to Him I’ll give,
And to obey His Word-
For Him I will always live.

If I get into that program or not, I know that God has everything already figured out for me. After all, if my desire is to truly glorify Him to the best of my ability and He knows how I can glorify Him best, then He should be the One in the driver's seat, showing me as we drive along what I will be doing at my best for Him. May He be praised for His faithfulness, understanding, mercy, and grace! I love you, Lord!


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