A Challenge to All Women!

A shout to all the ladies out there! :)

So I listened to the most amazing/convicting sermon yesterday about MODESTY by CJ Mahaney! Please take me seriously...


Especially with the American culture that says "dress so you feel good; get the attention you want," as Christian women, we all really need to take a close examination of ourselves and if we are dressing to glorify the Lord.

Whether you are a woman that thinks you are very modest already, or you are a woman that thinks modesty is a thing of the past... you NEED to listen to what the Word of God says about it!!

Here is the link to listen to the sermon... http://www.sermonaudio.com/sermoninfo.asp?SID=12908209345.

Please take the time to listen to this! Everyone can find a spare 45 mins if they really want to! :)

Thanks! Let me know what you think!!


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