Christmas Letter 2022 - by Geneva

Merry Christmas friends and family, 

    I, Geneva, am writing the letter for Christmas this year. Our family is so BLESSED to have you guys in our life. We have been going through trials, and God has been with us through each one. Also, we had a lot of fun this year. 

Adam [Dad] 
    My dad is amazing. He works really really hard for us to have a home and the all the things we enjoy. He loves working out in the garage. Two of his favorite books are the Bible and a book called Fearless by Eric Blehm. One of dad's favorite things to do is going on HOT dates with mom. Usually they have sushi, but they cannot have it right now because they are on a special diet. Dad is an amazing guy and a godly man. 

Alisha [Mom]
    My mom is an amazing woman. She works really hard for our family and for other people. My mom has a great talent which is piano and music. Whenever she plays, it is so beautiful. Mom's favorite books are the Bible and a book called Even Better Than Eden by Nancy Guthrie. My mom cooks and bakes really well. It is so so so good. One of my favorite breads she makes is sourdough bread. My mom is an amazing woman. 

    Marcus is 8 years old and he is in fourth grade. He loves reading Calvin and Hobbes. He kind of is turning into Calvin. Marcus is really really goofy and hilarious with telling funny stories. You should ask him, he is pretty good at it and can make you giggle. Marcus's favorite subjects in school are history and science. Marcus' favorite hobbies are playing outside, fishing, reading books, eating candy and cereal, and playing with cousins. Marcus is a silly and fun guy. 

    Nyah is 7 years old and in 3rd grade. Her favorite subjects in school are reading, science, and art. Nyah's favorite hobbies are reading books, ballet, making bracelets, and playing with her friends. If Nyah has time to read, she reads more than 5 books at a time. One time Nyah read a chapter book in 2 days. Nyah's favorite book is Charlotte's Web. Nyah has a really cute giggle and loves to laugh. Nyah is a very sweet girl.

Geneva [me]
    I am 10 years old and in 5th grade. My favorite subjects in school are science, math, and reading. My favorite hobbies are hiking, painting, playing with friends, swinging, and baking. My favorite books are the Bible and a book called Christopher Robin. My favorite characters in Christopher Robin are Pooh and Piglet. My favorite instruments are guitar and drum. You will often find me in the kitchen or outside. I am an adventurous girl.

Maisy [Maisy Daisy]
    Maisy is our dog. She is very calm and loves people. Maisy's favorite hobby is tug-of-war. She also loves to chew stuff, like pencils. Maisy loves to run. She runs really really fast. Maisy loves other dogs. Maisy's doggy friend is Gizmo, our neighbor's dog. Maisy is a great dog.

    This year we did a lot of stuff. We went camping; it was Marcus', Nyah's, and my first time ever! It was so much fun. We went camping at Wood's Lake, and it is so gorgeous out there. We went swimming and hiking. Also, we went on a train ride to Virginia City. It was a lot of fun and a lot of people. We got the mold out of our house. That was a really really big deal. Last month we got a dog. She is a treasure. This year has been an adventure. 

    We hope you know the joy of Christ the Savior now and always. 

    Geneva for the Guddat family


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