Christmas Letter 2021

 Hi friends and family!

This year has gone by so quickly, I'm having a hard time remembering what has occurred. One thing we know for sure though, God's grace and mercy has blessed us and held us fast this year. His faithfulness endures forever!

This year Adam and I celebrated our 10th anniversary together by installing new flooring in our whole home earlier in the year! Not only did we get a great finished product, but we had such a fun time working together (no, I'm not being sarcastic). My parents and in-laws took our kiddos while the home was in flooring-install-disarray, and fun was had by all! We were also able to take a whirlwind trip up to Boise, ID in the summer to visit Aaron, Alicia (Adam's sister), and Caleb! We were so blessed to be able to be together again. All of the kids spent the majority of the time in the pool, splashing and laughing. Another fun thing we did this year was take an early Christmas vacation up at Tahoe. The kids ice skated for the first time, and they did pretty well! All three of the kids loved ice skating and can't wait to go back for more.

Adam continues to work and be very thankful for his job and for the beautiful area he gets to work in... minus the snow... he's so over the cold. ;) When Adam is off, he enjoys serving the church, working out, mountain biking (he got a new one that he's been really enjoying), playing family games, and blessing me with things like new baseboards and trim. Adam is always willing to put his family (church family and blood family) before himself. The kids and I could not be more blessed by him!

Nyah is now 6 (going on 16) and in second grade! This girl thrives in school and it's great to see her so in her element. She has been caught introducing herself in this fashion, "Hi, I'm Nyah and I'm a bookworm!" Books are one of her favorite things ever. Nyah also loves learning the piano. She's by far the most self-disciplined piano student in our household right now. Other things Nyah enjoys are: coloring and crafts, cursive handwriting, riding her bike, being a momma to her baby dolls and stuffed animals, and mothering anyone who will let her. She is dramatic, loving, caring, and super cuddly. We love this spunky and sweet girl.

Marcus is 7 (8 in February) and he's in third grade! If you are ever in our house and hear a random outburst into loud singing... it's our Marky boy. :) He loves to sing and also has a natural ear for music. Marcus also enjoys school, though he might equally enjoy his break times. His current favorite subject is science. This very active boy loved being on a soccer team this fall and made many goals! Marcus discovered pushups this year and does them on any given surface at any given time.  Marcus' very obvious favorite person is Adam; he will side with Adam on anything and tries to be just like him. Marcus is a sweet, goofy, and hilarious boy that we love dearly.

Geneva is our big 9 year old and in fourth grade! This girl gets sweeter and sassier every year. I call her the sheep dog of the family; she's always checking in with everyone and keeps tabs on us at all times. She is also a great helper, especially in the kitchen as she grows in knowledge and skill of cooking and baking. Geneva enjoys school as well, especially science and history. You can often find Geneva reading, playing with her siblings, riding her bike, being creative with pretend cooking shows, being a momma to her dolls, playing piano and enjoying her friends. Geneva is sweet, caring, and slightly sarcastic. We love the wonderful young lady she is becoming.

As for me, Alisha (Ally), it's just more of the same. I am so incredibly thankful for these four amazing people I just finished describing. God has blessed me beyond measure! I am still enjoying music, homeschooling, church, and all of the wonderful people God puts in my life. 

While this year has been filled with many happy memories and blessings, it's had it's share of trials and sadness. But we look to Christ, who is the Author and Perfecter of our faith! We pray that you would know the love and peace of God that surpasses all understanding, because it changes EVERYTHING about the life we live on this earth!

"...if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes and is justified, and with the mouth one confesses and is saved." Romans 10:9-10

"She [Mary] will bear a son, and you shall call His name Jesus, for He will save His people from their sins." Matthew 1:21

Much love,

Adam, Alisha, Geneva, Marcus, and Nyah


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