Christmas Letter 2020

Hello to our sweet friends and family!

What a year. :) But we praise God, because His steadfast love endures forever! We are thankful for His never- failing grace in our lives, and for how He has blessed and preserved us! 

Here's a little update on our family:

Geneva is now 8 years old and in third grade! This is a girl after both of her parents' hearts because her two favorite subjects in school are history (like Adam) and science (like myself)! Reading is now a thing of enjoyment for her, and it is great to see her diving into books and also the Bible. Geneva keeps growing taller and more beautiful all of the time, and is becoming quite the little lady. Some of her favorite things are playing with friends, baking with mommy (and sometimes by herself!), and shopping (seriously, this one scares us a bit... she'll probably be required to read Dave Ramsey's book in a few years). Geneva wants to grow up to be a Kindergarten teacher someday, then after that she wants to still pursue dentistry.

Marcus is 6.5 years old and he is in second grade! Marcus has found his favorite school subject to be handwriting, and believe it or not he has better cursive than both his parents! Marcus keeps giving Geneva a run for her money on who is taller. They are almost dead-even on height. Marcus is Mr. Agile as you will often find him doing handstands, trying to figure out flips, or making our backyard tree his personal monkey bars. Marcus also loves to build with his Legos, shoot nerf guns at us all, sing super loud, and bounce off our walls constantly. Marcus' new favorite thing is to have "guy time" with dad. Marcus wants to grow up to be a fourth grade teacher someday. 

Nyah is 5 years old and in first grade this year. Yes, she may be young for her grade, but she is doing so well! Nyah is loving reading and arithmetic, and growing leaps and bounds. This girl refuses to be left out and is always close behind her brother and sister (if not already ahead of them, being a little bossy pants). A few of Nyah's favorite things include playing with her baby dolls, playing family, reading her books, and dancing like a ballerina (awww). Nyah knows how to flutter those lashes, flash a smile, and think that she can get away with anything (Okay I fall for it every time!). Nyah wants to be an artist like her uncle Austin (yes, she used those exact words). :) 

Adam made a work transfer earlier this year and is hugely enjoying the beautiful South Lake Tahoe area. Adam said the highlight of this year for him was painting our home interior with me. What a year. ;) Adam has worked a lot this year, and I am so thankful for a husband who works hard for our family! He is such a huge blessing to us all. Seriously, he's the best!

I'm just keeping going with the usual: homeschooling, church, music. I can officially say that we were homeschooling before it became a fad. ;)  [Interjection by Adam] Without Alisha, the house would have burned down long ago and the kids and I would have starved to death. Apart from Jesus Christ, Alisha truly is the greatest blessing we all have in this life. I love her now more than when I married her and she is the sunshine in all of our day. She is my absolute best friend and I absolutely love every minute I have with her. Thank you babe for how you sacrificially love on us all.

We had the blessing of fostering a little 7 month old in the summer this year. She was such a fun little thing and we all fell in love with her almost instantly! We were pretty sad when the state found her a home with her extended family, but praying that it is the best thing for her. We've made the difficult decision to halt our foster care for now. But we are thankful for all the opportunities we've had.

We were able to go to Graeagle, CA this summer with my family and we enjoyed a few beautiful lakes and hikes. 

This year has been different, but we are thankful to put our hope and trust in our great God!

"My life, but a breath

Merely moments in Your plans

A vapor rushing by

While I serve the world’s demands

Make me know my end

And the measure of my days

May I rest this fleeting life

In the shelter of Your ways

For you, O Lord, I wait

My only hope is You"

- Jason Ching

May you also place your hope in Christ!

Alisha, Adam, and kiddos 


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