Christmas letter 2018

"Fullness of grace in man's human frailty; this is the wonder of Jesus.
Laying aside His power and glory humbly He entered our world.
Chose the path of meanest worth; scandle of a virgin birth
Born in a stable, cold and rejected: here lies the hope of the world."

~from Fullness of Grace by Keith Getty, Kristyn Getty, and Stuart Townend

Hello to all of our friends and family!

Looking back over this year, Adam and I can see God's grace and goodness in every way! Here is an update on our little family:

Nyah (3 years old) is quite the little lady... except she's really not that little for a three year old! She grew four inches in this past year of life and is quickly catching up to her brother and sister. And that's not the only catching up she's doing! She refuses to be left out, so she keeps up with Geneva and Marcus in just about everything, This girl will not be outdone! Nyah speaks very well and is learning how to memorize answers in the Prove It catechism. She really loves being a momma to all her baby dolls and animals, riding her bike with training wheels, drawing and coloring, singing at the top of her lungs, and telling stories. This girl knows how to talk your ear off if you let her. :) While she is definitely a little lady, loving all things girly and pink, we are still working on lady-like manners. Ya, tooting loudly in public (including during sermons!) and picking her nose are some things we are currently working on. ;) Nyah is a joy and a hilarious addition to our family, and we love her dearly!

Marcus (4 years old) is growing tall fast! He has completely caught up to Geneva in height and we get asked all the time if Marcus and G are twins. Marcus started Kindergarten this fall and is doing such a fantastic job! He is a very self-motivated and independent worker. He has really impressive handwriting too! Marcus is reading well and he is just now learning how to add. Besides school, Marcus is a true boy. This means that he has a TON of energy, can hardly stand or sit still, and makes lot of... interesting noises. :) Marcus loves riding his bike (two wheels!); playing with legos, cars, and planes; going dirt bike riding with daddy; pretending he is a pastor (and baptizes his sisters pretty regularly); reading books; and playing with his sisters. Marcus is just a dark blonde, blue-eyed version of his dad! He looks up to his dad in every way and wants to be just like him, including his career choice. He loves his momma too, but he recently informed us that he would be willing to trade mommy in for a dog! :)

Geneva (6 years old) is our big helper and is so much fun! While she takes more after her momma in height, she makes up for it in personality! This girl loves everyone she meets and treasures her friends dearly. Geneva is in first grade, and we couldn't be more proud of her! She is reading well and loves math (ya, she didn't get that from either of us!). Geneva works very hard at school, but she's always happy to be done so she can play and be with her brother and sister. Geneva loves to sing her own songs, play with dolls, doodle and color, read books, ride her bike (also two wheels), bake and cook with mommy, go on adventures with her friends, and be in Sunday School at church. Geneva is definitely a mother hen and we have to remind her frequently that she is not in charge. I even remind her to ask her Uncle Austin if he liked mommy doing that to him  ... the answer is no. ;) Geneva experienced her first fracture on her left elbow this fall tumbling down the slide at Jump Man Jump.  Geneva handled her cast like a champ and was smiling the whole time when she got it cut off... very brave girl!

All three kids have been really enjoying our little Adventure Club home school group! They have made great friends and are so excited to see them every week!

Adam is now... :) He has been working for the state of CA for 11 years now. I cannot express how thankful I am to have a husband who works diligently and hard to provide for our family! We always thoroughly enjoy our time with him whenever he is off! Adam continues to bless me by working on different projects, including helping demo our whole kitchen earlier in May! That was fun! Seriously, working on any project with Adam is one of my favorite things to do. He also made me a headboard from on old door and it turned out beautifully! Adam had the opportunity to be in a shooting competition in November and won first place! That's my man! :)

I, Alisha, am old-er now too. ;) I am so thankful for the opportunity to be home with the kids and educating them! My life mainly consists of teaching the kids, lots of cooking and baking, serving our sweet church family, and teaching piano lessons. For my birthday this year, Adam bought me a cajon (a type of hand drum) and I am really enjoying learning this new instrument!

Adam and I became licensed with the state of NV to be foster parents in March. God has brought three different children who have come and gone from our home and we enjoyed each one while we had them! We do not have a foster child right now, but are just waiting for a phone call in God's perfect timing.

For vacations, we enjoyed a super fun trip to Angel's Camp, CA with the Elliotts! Seeing the Sequoia trees was absolutely incredible! And of course the kid's favorite part was the pool. :) Adam was also able to take Geneva and Marcus up to Seattle to see his WA family. They loved visiting with everyone! We went to the Sacramento Zoo for a small outing. Also hit Apple Hill this fall also with the Feathers - had a blast!

My brother, Austin, married our now sister-in-law, Lauren, on August 24th. It was the most beautiful wedding and we are so thrilled that Lauren is now officially part of our family!

We hope and pray that you draw near to Christ and find peace and joy in Him, now and always!!

Adam, Alisha, Geneva, Marcus, and Nyah


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