Two years old!

Our sweet little Geneva is 2 years old as of the 10th of this month! This little girl is full of fun, personality, sweetness, and stinker. :) Here are a few of Geneva's favorite things right now: singing (when no one is watching), dancing, Toy Story, pretty dresses, dirt, other little people, cake, Despicable Me, outside, and saying "besh shu" (bless you).
We had family over for a fun little gathering to celebrate the life God has blessed Geneva with. It was a great time with yummy cake, fun times with cousins, and playing with her new quad!
Here are a few pictures. :)
These first three pictures are from her actual birthday. New clothes from Great Grandma. :)
 All decorations (including the cake) are from Pinterest... what would I do without it?!

 Marcus with cousin Matthias

 I was so happy the cake turned out ok!



  1. Oh Ally, what a beautiful job of pouring out your love for your daughter for this party! When I think how you so willingly came and played hymns for us to sing to the older folks, that same morning, I love you even more! "For it is God who is at work within you..." You have so many talents and gifts! Thank you for serving and laying down yourself for others. You are spurring us all on, to love and good deeds for Christ's glory! <3 Cass


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