In the blink of an eye

Once again I find myself slacking on this blog. But in perspective, I guess that is good. That also means I am just busy raising, teaching, changing, feeding, loving, and playing with my two little kiddos. :)

I'm figuring since pictures are "worth a thousand words," that I would just show you what we've been up to instead of just writing about it.

These first three pictures are from when Marcus was one month old. 

My Mamma and Grandpa Clyde meeting Marcus for the first time.

 Good thing she likes helping with dishes. I'm hoping that comes in handy in the future!

We went to the Sacramento Zoo for a day trip. Geneva was 1.5 yrs old and Marcus was 2 months. 

Such a sweet boy... and so happy!

Just cheezin'.

These next few pictures are from Easter time. What a little chunk!!

Easter at Davis Creek. 

Geneva at officially 18 months old! Big girl!

Bike ride time!! They both love this!

5 months old... what a ham. And look at those beautiful blue eyes!

Marcus with his bud, Calvin.

Little sailor girl... this used to be my dress. :)

Friends, Titus and E'Ian, over for fun and snacks. 

Baby dedication at our church.

 Best friends already.

Sometimes, you just need to a mommy snuggle.

We had a late Mother's Day Tea at my Gram's home. Beautiful day and lot of fun.

My Uncle Neal married Jennifer in June!! Great wedding and great time. :)

Classic Geneva face. 

Marcus at 6 months old. My sweet, cuddly boy. 

Marcus and cousin, Matthias. 

Fun day trip to Yosemite with Beth and Josh Bastin and their family.

We went to Apple Hill on Labor day. Great family time! Marcus is 6.5 months old here. 

I love this guy so much!

All of the cousins minus Winston. From left to right: Abraham (3.5 yrs), Marcus (7 mo), Matthias (12 mo), Geneva (almost 2 yrs).

So you see all of those thousands of words I saved you from reading? You're welcome. :)

We all love having Marcus around. He is pretty chill little guy. His contagious smile, sweet cuddles, and "dada" chants just thrill us. Geneva will be turning 2 next month... I can't believe that I will have a two year old! She is loving, energetic, and always wanting to please.

Until next time. :)


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