Our Christmas Letter for 2013

Every year I ask myself the same question: how can this year be almost over already? And yet, I look back at the many blessings of this year and quickly remember that it really has been a full and busy year!

Our little miss Geneva Nevaeh turned one years old in October! I can't believe how quickly she has grown and how her personality has blossomed. Currently, Geneva's few favorite things are dancing, giggling, peek-a-boo, and chocolate (contrary to thought, Adam introduced her to the chocolate! Ha!). She is somewhat shy in public but a total goof at home. Her personality is a good blend of daddy's laid back ways and mommy's ability for selective hearing (oh boy). We are truly blessed with a happy girl that thoroughly loves life!

Adam hit a big milestone year as he turned thirty in May! He still works hard for the state of California and for the safety of you and me. He went on his first hunting trip with Tim Plants in late August! No luck on getting a cow elk, but he is very enthusiastic about his new hobby and cannot wait to go hunting again. I am guessing that our home will be a mini Cabella's in a few short years. Adam has been such a blessing and great help as I continue to come up with house projects for him to do with me. We have been enjoying building our own home together!

As for me, I also hit a milestone birthday of twenty-five years in July. I am currently seven months pregnant with our second little munchkin and due in February! We have been told with hesitation by the ultrasound tech that they "think" it is a boy but to "keep our receipts" just in case! I am working on Mondays as a dental hygienist and loving it (Adam also loves Mondays, because it is his daddy day with his little girl). I still enjoy teaching piano lessons on the side, playing piano for church, and also leading a Young Ladies Discipleship group for high school ladies at church.

Other happenings of this year include buying our first home in March, spending time with family in Seattle, and going on vacation to Plumas Pines. We are so thankful to God that He blessed my mom with a win over her battle with pancreatic cancer and that she needs no further treatment! We were also blessed to see my sister-in-law be married to a pretty awesome guy in March!

We are constantly amazed by God's grace bestowed on us. What a beautiful Savior that we love and serve! May your hearts be blessed also as you look back on the year 2013.

Much love to all,
Alisha, Adam, Geneva, and baby


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