What? It's June?!

Big surprise that time has escaped me once again! We have had so much happen this year: good things, great things, and sanctifying things. This year has given me tears of joy and tears of fear. In fact, it's been so busy and crazy that I have literally grown my first two grey hairs! True story (sadly).

Starting off with January, my mother discovered that she had a tumor on her pancreas. At the time, we really did not know much about it, especially if it was cancerous or not. I began doing some research on my own, only to discover the scary fact that 96% of pancreatic cancer patients do not make it past five years after being diagnosed. I kept this information to myself and just prayed hard that my mom did not have cancer. My mother had the tumor removed promptly, and we discovered later that it was cancerous. The amazing news is that this type of pancreatic cancer my mom had was actually a rare form called a neuroendocrine tumor. Only 5% of pancreatic patients get this type of tumor, and though it is cancerous, it is usually slow growing, localized, and once removed there is no need for post-op treatment such as chemotherapy! What an amazing God we have! He has been so gracious to my mom and our family!! We are all relieved. It has been a slow recovery from the major surgery, and the poor thing just found out last week that she has a major hernia from her abdomen re-opening from the 6 in incision from the the surgery. Hopefully she will get that fixed once her doctor comes back from vacationing in Greece (nice timing, huh?). Anyway, long of the short, she is doing well now, cancer-free, and praising our Lord!

In February, my "little" brother turned 21 and continues to make his muscles massively huge. I'm definitely the "little" one in my extended family now! Also in February, I threw Alicia, my sister-in-law, a bridal shower! It was so much fun and such a blessing to see how loved, supported, and blessed she is by our church family! Another exciting event in February is that I started working on Mondays at a dental office. It works out perfectly that Adam stays home with Geneva on his day off while I work! He loves his daddy day with her. :] The last happenin' in February is that Adam and I decided we had saved enough money to buy a home. God was so gracious to us, because that process went rather quickly! This was the sequence:

Sunday - Contacted a reality to see if we could walk through a home we were interested in
Monday - Became pre-approved to buy a home
Tuesday - Walked through the home we were interested in, and we loved it
Wednesday morning - made an offer on the home
Wednesday afternoon - offer was accepted!!!

Can you believe that?! We couldn't either! I know how rare it is to have a first offer accepted with no alterations, let alone a first home offer ever. It is crazy how God blessed us!

March was an incredibly busy month!! First, Adam was determined to have us moved into our new home by the 16th... one week before Alicia's wedding and a day before Alicia's bachelorette party that I was putting together! With the help of many wonderful friends and family, we were able to accomplish everything! Three days later, Alicia's fiancee', Aaron, came to stay with us for the week of the wedding. I was the maid of honor and Adam was a groomsman. We had a fantastic time at the wedding! It was so beautiful, Adam and I both teared up when Alicia walked down the isle (most beautiful bride I've ever seen!). It was a very fun, but very exhausting day! Oh, and did I mention that the day of our big move, Geneva came down with the RSV (a respiratory virus)? Poor baby was very sick, but thankfully her oxygen count was high enough that she did not need to be hospitalized. The week after the wedding was Easter, which we held for all of the Guddat family at our new home. It was such a blessing, but I was so ready to not do anything after that whole crazy month!

April and May were much more calm, thankfully. In late April, Adam and I were so excited to find out that I was pregnant! Unfortunately, after two visits to the ER, we discovered that we lost our little one at 7 weeks. This was my second miscarriage (the first was before my pregnancy with Geneva), but so much more emotional. It is amazing how quickly you can become attached. I am so thankful that I have faith in an all-sovereign God! It makes all the difference in the world to know that He is in control and that our little one is now with Him. I think the most difficult part about this miscarriage is that it happened a week before Mother's Day. Please do not get me wrong, I am very thankful for Geneva! However, I was just so excited to celebrate having two children. All in all, I am grateful and thankful for my heavenly Father's love and care through it all.

A HUGE event also happened in May... my husband turned THIRTY!!! We had a wonderful time celebrating at Red's 395 for some amazing meat. :] Adam was very reluctant to turn thirty, but I think he's used to it now. I'll tell you what, he is the hottest and most handsome thirty year old that I have ever seen! ;]

Now in June, we just returned from a weekend visit to Seattle for Adam's cousin's wedding. What a fantastic weekend celebrating Justin and Jessie's marriage! We had such a wonderful time and were so thankful that we were able to go! It was lovely being able to meet little Miss Grace, who had just turned 1 week old at the time. I have to give a shout out to Miss Gracie's momma, Rachel, for being supermom!! Rachel was a bridesmaid for the wedding! One thing is for certain, she did not look like she had just given birth a week ago!! It was also awesome meeting Emily, Jeremy's fiancee, while we were there too. Jeremy and Emily are getting married in Alabama November 2nd... so exciting! Adam and I had such a great time catching up with his Grams. Geneva just absolutely loved her! And Geneva also completed a new milestone while in WA... she began crawling forwards!! Our little girl is growing up so quickly!

Well, I think that just about does it. :] Probably way more info than you needed to know, but it's nice to have it journaled down. I'll post pictures later... someone just woke up from her nap! :]


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