She is here!!

Our precious little daughter entered this world on October 10th!! Geneva Nevaeh is such a wonderful and beautiful baby. We are thanking our Lord every day for such a precious gift! Here are a few pictures...

 In the hospital after the epidural. 
 Soon-to-be daddy!!

 Meeting my daughter for the first time!!!! It was heaven!!
 She is beautiful.
 Geneva only 30 minutes old!
 Yawn! That was a lot of work!!
 This is one proud daddy!!!
 Uncle Eric
 Auntie Joleen
 Only 12 hours old.
 One of my favorite pictures!

 My amazing doctor!
 Mamma, Great Aunt Frances, and Great Aunt Billie
 Geneva melted her heart. <3 nbsp="nbsp" p="p">
 Grammy and Grandpa
 Our little family.
 My Gram
 Gramma is in love!
 Ashley and Seth dropped by!
 Uncle Austin

 Auntie Alicia
 Jolene and Andrew also came!
 Little beauty.
 Elisabeth and Suzanne

 Right before we took her home.
 First walk on day 3 of life!

 First bath at home!

 First time at church!! What a doll.

 Four generations picture!

Geneva is such a blessing! I can't believe she will be one month on Saturday!! Love my little girl!!!


  1. Thank you for posting this. She is so cute and blessed to have such God fearing parents and grand-parents. God bless you as you raise her to love Him.


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