Catching up... again!

Once again, I have been slacking on my blog posts! Surprise, surprise. :)

So many things that happened this summer! The first pictures I need to include are of my dad's birthday. He turned what we like to call the "double nickle" this year. :)
My daddy and I rejuvenating our love for cribbage. 

From left to right: my mom, Austin, Adam, me, Aunt Frances, Grandpa Clyde, and Mamma.

I was so impressed that my sweet Grandpa Clyde still knew how to kick butt in cribbage!! :) We had a great time playing together.

Adam's and my big vacation was late May when we were able to fly up to Seattle, WA to visit Adam's Grams, Uncle Jeff, Aunt Cindy, and family. We had SUCH  a great time!! I really enjoyed getting to know more of Adam's awesome family since I only met them briefly at our wedding. Here are a few pics from our trip there...

Before hopping on our flight to Seattle, we celebrated my mom's birthday. :] 
I am 20 weeks along in my pregnancy in this pic! Half way there!!

My mother and her parents, my Gram and GrandDad.

First thing Adam decides to do when we arrive in Seattle is take a nap... or three. :) 

Great blackmail. :) Adam was grabbing a cart for his Grams.

Grams and I ready for the Mariner's game against the Rangers!!

Awe. :)

For those of you that know Adam well, this will come as no surprise that he had finished two full plates of fish n'chips with garlic fries BY HIMSELF and it was only the 2nd inning!!! Haha... love my man. :)

The Safeco Field!! 

The cousins enjoying the game with us.

Jeremy, Uncle Jeff, Grams, and Adam. :)

LOVE this picture!! :)

Jason and Adam

Yes, we bought Mariner's hats. :)

Adam and I took a day trip to go see Pike's Market! We really enjoyed ourselves!

The guy on the far right... he's my superhero. ;)

Can't go to Pike's Market without getting a pic of creepy looking fish!!

I insisted on finding the original Starbucks! This is where the addictions began. ;)

It took us way longer than necessary, but we finally found the Space Needle. 

Playing Monopoly with Justin. Justin and I were so focused on making sure that Adam didn't cheat, that Adam actually ended up winning the game. Needless to say, there will be a rematch!

We really enjoyed visiting Seattle. I especially loved getting to know Grams better, as we stayed at her home the whole week. We are very thankful for our time up in Washington!! We promised that we would be back soon after the baby is born. :)

Speaking of baby... when I entered the 23rd week, we were able to find out the gender of our precious little one!! The next day, we had a gender reveal party with both sides of our family to announce our exciting news! Here are pictures from that day...

Eating our picnic lunches.

The party was comprised of Adam's parents, Eric & Joleen with the boys, Alicia, both sets of my grandparents, my parents and brother, and my great Aunt Frances.

The boys were our full entertainment. :) Love those little men!

As you probably have noticed, most everyone is dressed up in either blue or pink. We told them they had to come dressed in the color they think the gender of the baby is! Fun fun. :)

I baked a cake the night before that I would put either blue or pink frosting in the middle to reveal the gender. We drew a name out of a hat to see who would cut the cake and reveal the big news. My great Aunt Frances was the chosen winner. :)

Love this picture!! My brother, Austin, was so confident all along that it was a girl . Guess who was right??!

So that is how the story goes... we're having a GIRL!!!!! Adam and I had only agreed on one girl name, so we already have her name picked out: Geneva Nevaeh Guddat. We are already in love with our precious little daughter. We call her by her name all the time now. Our affectionate nickname for her is "our little ninja" since she is quite the kicker!! We are beyond thrilled to meet Miss Geneva in either mid September or early-mid October! I am 33.5 weeks right now, and am counting down the days!

More summer events that occurred... Adam had to go to a training class in Riverside for a whole week, so I was able to spend that week up in South Tahoe with my family rather than be at home all by myself. :) I had a great time with them at Camp Richardson, where we rented a cabin that was right next to the water. It was a lovely retreat.

My bro and I. Love this guy!!
I was 23 weeks pregnant during this time. 

My parents at Taylor Creek.

My beautiful mother and I had tea in the gardens of Pope Estate. 

Daddy and I BBQ'n it up.

Taylor Creek

The last pictures I will post today is actually from Father's day!! My extended family met up at Davis Creek for BBQ potluck and also celebrating my Uncle Neal's birthday...

Austin and two of my cousins, Gavin and Logan. 

Adam on the far left soaking up the fact that he will be a daddy soon!! :)


  1. Was thinking of you the other day. So glad to see your update. You are such a cute Mama! Glad all is well. Hang in won't be long!
    Congratulations on your little girl.


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