Little news that keeps on growing!

It's definitely time to update this blog again. I apologize it's taken me so long!

Well, Adam and I have some very happy news that the Lord blessed us with. Can you guess?

We're having a BABY!!!

We couldn't be more thrilled and feel so privileged that God would see it fit that we be parents. The more I read pregnancy and parenting books, the more I also realize what a duty and honor it is to have children. Adam and I pray for our little one daily that he/she would be raised up in God's truth and that God would see it fit to save him/her at an early age!

So I thought I would do a break down of my pregnancy thus far... it's quite the experience!

When we discovered the news:
     * January 29, 2012
     * It was an early Sunday morning, and I decided I would take a pregnancy test. I was a little suspicious, but really was not certain. It was two days before my expected day for my next cycle to begin, so if anything was going to show up on the pregnancy test, I was sure it would be one of those really faint lines that I would be questioning all day. Well, I took the test, and there was definitely no question on whether or not there was a second line!! The positive line was darker and thicker than the HcG control line! 
     * Poor Adam. I didn't really even give the guy a chance to wake up! I was way too excited to think of anything clever, so I just jumped on the bed and laid the positive test on the pillow next to his head. He grabbed it and just stared at it for a while and finally asked me to interpret. :) Once he finally understood what was going on, he was full of joy! Going to church that morning and not saying anything was so difficult! 

When we told our parents:
     * We were planning on waiting till we had our first doctor's appointment before we told our parents (at 11 wks). However, just starting at 7 wks, I began having really bad morning sickness. We decided to tell our parents early at 8 wks before they figured out what was going on. All week leading up to the day of announcement, I had several close encounters when I was talking with my mom on the phone and all the sudden I had to throw up! I still can't believe I was able to hang up on her so quickly and she didn't suspect a thing! 
     * The Saturday we decided to tell both sets of parents, I had a baby shower to attend first (my friend Shelby Davis, who just had a beautiful baby girl, Aubrey, 2/3 wks ago!). I had bought plain white onesies at Walmart and wrote with a permanent marker "Can't wait to meet you in October 2012!" and "Let the spoiling begin in October 2012!" on them and put them in a gift box for the grandparents to open. The story was that I had won a cute prize at the baby shower earlier that day and we wanted them to see how funny/cute the prize gift was. 
     * Here are the videos Adam captured of our parents opening the gift boxes. :)

     * It was pretty hilarious to observe that both of our dads totally understood that we were pregnant about 15-30 seconds after our mothers were squealing! 

Pregnancy symptoms:
     * Morning sickness did not begin to hit until 7 wks. For the first 2 weeks of morning sickness, I was throwing up anything and everything 5-8 times a day. I couldn't keep any food or water down during those weeks. It was difficult, but I am not complaining, because I have heard of moms that go through MUCH worse! Thankfully, the throwing up decreased to 2-3 times a day from weeks 10-12, and I only throw up 1-2 times about every other day now (at 14 wks). 
     * Fatigue - who doesn't have this when they're pregnant? It's just a great excuse to take a nap during the day if my schedule allows it. :)
     * Running to the bathroom every 10 minutes! Ok, so not that often, but Adam is constantly amused at how small my bladder seems to be as of late! ;)
     * Food aversions... just in the last two weeks have I really been able to enjoy most all foods again without wanting to throw up at their smells. For quite a while though, I was really turned off to all sweets (I love sweets usually!!) and many things that had a sweeter taste. But now I am back to everything I loved before... yay!

Weight tracker: 
     * Starting weight: 129 lbs
     * Lost 8 lbs during the worst of the morning sickness
     * Current weight at 14 wks: 127 lbs

Baby Bump:
     * I am still not showing much yet. Still at the stage where I just feel like I've gained 5 lbs and looks kind of pudgy around the middle. 

I am 14 wks and 3 days in this pic. :)

Well, this is probably way more than you wanted to know, but I might as well keep record. It's all new, exciting, and every bit worth it! 

Signing out as a very excited expecting mama!! :)


  1. LOVE it! You will be so happy that you wrote all this down. It is great to look back on when the details get fuzzy =-)

  2. This was such a treat to read dear friends! I love how you videoed your parents! What a great idea! :) I am practically crying myself right now!

    All your comments are so cute Ally. You will be so glad you did all of this journaling about your new BABY~ Great Job and thanks for sharing with the rest of us!
    Love, Cass

  3. Hey its Tessa, you're mom showed be the website! I am so happy for you guys :D I can't wait to meet him/her in October. Love ya, God Bless!


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