Profound thoughts of a 16 yr old

I was cleaning out my book collection and ran into a dear old friend, my old journal from 2004 - 05. What memories! A true testament of God's faithfulness. Well, this particular journal is divided into different sections: Prayer Log, Daily Lessons, Every Day Stuff, Goals, Dreams, and Articles. Looking back through it, I have to say one of my favorite sections of this journal is the "Daily Lessons" section. Some of the lessons were really great, and others simply comical. I thought I'd write down a few for your enjoyment. :]

September 19, 2004
* Well I've learned two very important lessons today that must be recorded...
     - Be persistent in your prayer, and never give up!
     - Be respective to my parents at all times, even if they were wrong.
* Others...
     - Always put others before yourself
     - Instead of waking up in the morning thinking of ways to please myself, I need to wake up thinking how I can please God that day and everyday for that matter.

September 21, 2004
* Make sure I say kind things, always being positive, even though someone like your younger brother isn't being cooperative! 

September 23, 2004
* Keeping a promise to yourself is not as easy as it seems.
* Keeping temptations as far away as possible is a really good idea.

September 24, 2004
* Don't let Austin get to you; just don't look at and give him attention and he'll soon stop.

September 26, 2004
* We are to walk in our Light and shine really bright, so that we are dramatically different from the world.
* God is there, even when no one else is.
* God is in control of my life, so I shouldn't try and run it myself!

September 27, 2004
* Pimples are now on my "hate list." In other words - number one on my hate list is sin; number two is pimples.

September 30, 2004
* Everything is in God's control, even this upcoming election!
* Senator Kerry IS scary!

October 4, 2004
* When Austin calls shotgun, just let him have it for crying out loud!

October 5, 2004
* Ignore Austin and you won't get into trouble!

October 11, 2004
* Don't worry when evil seems to be rewarded with good. Judgment day will come soon enough.

October 21, 2004
* Never try and beat Austin in an argument, he'll find a way to win somehow!

October 23, 2004
* Don't eat two pieces of Papa Murphy's Deep Dish Pizza on the same night unless you want to feel like a big balloon!

December 15, 2004
* There are always two sides to a story, and you need to listen to both before making conclusions.

January 24, 2005
* Never change lanes in the middle of an intersection like I did yesterday!
* Don't slow down while changing lanes, especially on the highway... unless you want to get run over, of course.

February 14, 2005
* Jesus is my Valentine! - John 15:13

So there were just a few of my entries. Hope you were able to enjoy the profoundness of a 16 year old. :]


  1. Haha "don't let Austin get to you"... Nice :)

  2. I loved this post! ~AJ (Tricia's mom)

  3. Very sweet blog. I'm Steve Crawford's aunt Sherri and found your blog through his(and Anna's fb).
    I go to Grace Community Church with the rest of the Crawford's (o; Hope you'll visit my fb page and my little writing blog Nice to see a blog that's glorify's Jesus!


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