Blessings in abundance!

Being in the dental hygiene program these last few months have been so good for me. This program is no cake walk... at all. However, God is really using it in wonderful ways in my life! God has blessed me in more ways than I can count! Let me list a few...

* Every morning I wake up, He reminds me that I am never alone
* Every day, God gives me encouraging words though His Word and His people
* Every night, I fall asleep assured that He is in control

* God blessed me with good friends that are always there for me... on the good days and the could-have-been-better
* God blessed me with giving me a reason to smile every single day
* God blessed me with joy in my heart (especially singing along to the radio on the way to school)

* I have peace, knowing that everything will be ok
* I have hope, knowing that He will carry me through every joy and every trial
* I have happiness, knowing that I will finish what I have started

* Good and not-so-good quizzes and tests
* Ability to understand and comprehend what I am learning
* Opportunities to share my joy in Christ

... and the list of blessings goes on and on!

God has been teaching me so much about how His blessings come in all shapes and sizes! And what a beautiful thing it is! He has also been showing me how my failures are just as much a blessing as when He blesses me with success. Those "failures" are not really failures but blessings in disguise!

All in all, God is good, and it is well with my soul!


  1. Amen! I know that the dental hygiene program has been a challenge but I am glad that you have found God even in the difficulties that present themselves. God is so good to continually bless us and always be there for us when we need Him! It is encouraging to hear that even through the trials we can count our blessings and find joy in Him. Thanks for the reminder of God's love for us. =)

  2. Glad to hear you're growing through the long process!


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